Author: Fatma Al zahraa

ESU-Gallery 4 (Sky Photography)

Within the activities of the student activity unit in Everyone’s Smart University, ESU-Gallery 4 (Sky Photography) Contest was held.


Symposium of Website Security

Within the activities of the College of Informatics , a symposium titled Website Security, was held on 2/7/2022 Interlocutor: Dr/Eng/

“ESU” Mobile App

In a new step within the technical leadership context adopted by ESU, the University lanched “ESU” App for mobiles to

BOT Activation

ESU activated BOT technology to directly interact with students through WhatsApp. You can join through:

symposium of Green Marketing

Within the activities of the student activity unit in Everyone’s Smart University, a symposium, titled by Green Marketing: When companies

About Author
Willaim Wright

Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.

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