Digital consumer behavior
Among the activities held by the College of Media and Marketing, a symposium titled “Digital Consumer Behavior” took place Lecturer:
Among the activities held by the College of Media and Marketing, a symposium titled “Digital Consumer Behavior” took place Lecturer:
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “The Art of Dealing with Toxic People” took
Among the activities held by the College of Informatics at Everyone’s Smart University, a symposium titled “Cloud Computing” took place
Among the activities held by the College of Media and Marketing, a symposium titled “The Digital Media Studies and Labour
Among the activities held by the College of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a symposium titled “Building Entrepreneurial mindset for the Entrepreneurs”
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “Navigating Uncertainty: Strategic Management in Time of Crisis”
Among the activities held by the College of Informatics, a symposium titled “Skills of communication, Presentation and Leadership” took place
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “Unlocking the Secrets of the Scientific Research Methodology”
Within the activities of the College of Informatics, a seminar titled by “SOC Information Security Operations Center”, was held Lecturer:
Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.