ESU Channel Embassador
ESU invites the students to enhance knowledge enrichment, through sharing the highest number of ESU’s videos, which shown on the
ESU invites the students to enhance knowledge enrichment, through sharing the highest number of ESU’s videos, which shown on the
Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium was held on 4/6/2022, under the
Within the activities of the student activity unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an Innovative Designing Competition 2 was held
To increase the affinities between the students and the faculty members, the Orientation Day (Summer 2021-2022) was held on 21/5/2022,
Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium was held on 3/5/2022, under
Under the motto of “We started the journey …. Finish it wi The student activity unit invited the work managers
The invitation of Everyone’s Smart University to all content producers, specialized in management and Cybersecurity in the Arab world to
Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium was held on 25/4/2022, under
The following research won the first three places in the coemption of the best graduation projects- Master of Project Management
Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.