Digital Finance: Challenges and the Future
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled Digital Finance: Challenges and the Future was held.
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled Digital Finance: Challenges and the Future was held.
ضمن فعاليات كلية الإدارة عُقدت دورة تدريبية بعنوان التمويل الرقمي: التحديات والمستقبل Digital Finance: Challenges and the Future المُحاضر
Among the activities held by the College of Informatics a Professional Workshop titled the Future of Technology and Innovation was held. Lecturer: Eng. Husam
Among the activities held by the College of Media and Marketing, a symposium titled Digital Products Creative Marketing was held. Lecturer: Mr.
Among the activities held by the College of College of Management, a symposium titled Importance of Business Continuity Management in
Among the activities held by the College of College of Management, a symposium titled Mastering the Art of Scientific Communication:
Among the activities held by the College of Media and Marketing, a symposium titled Secrets of Success in Digital Marketing was
Among the activities held by the College of Entrepreneurship and Innovation, a symposium titled How to start your entrepreneurial project:
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled Investigating Fraud : AI vs. Human capabilities was held. Lecturer:
Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.