Startup Companies Construction Standards and Fundamentals
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “Startup Companies Construction Standards and Fundamentals” was held.
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “Startup Companies Construction Standards and Fundamentals” was held.
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a workshop titled “Statistical Analysis by using SPSS” was held. Lecturer:
Among the activities held by the College of Humanities, a symposium titled Crafting “Avatars and Virtual Spaces on the Metaverse”
Among the activities held by the College of Humanities, a symposium titled “The Digital Law between Reality and Application” was
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “Artificial Intelligence in Management” was held. Lecturer: Dr.
Among the activities held by the College of Management, a symposium titled “Creative Thinking” was held. Lecturer: Dr. Manal El-Sayed
Among the activities held by the College of Humanities, a symposium titled “Stress Management” was held. Lecturer: Dr. Soliman Al-Lehedan
Among the activities held by the College of Informatics, a symposium titled “A Deep Understanding of Artificial Intelligence: Technologies and
Among the activities held by the College of Humanities, a symposium titled “Interactive E-Learning Educational Content Design” was held. Lecturer:
Voluptas feugiat illo occaecat egestas modi tempora facilis, quisquam ultrices.