Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence

The program is designed to provide students with advanced expertise and proficiency in the field of artificial intelligence and its applications. This comprehensive program provides in-depth training covering a wide range of topics, including intelligent systems, machine learning algorithms, natural language processing, computer vision, and robotics.

Through a combination of rigorous coursework and hands-on projects, students will acquire a deep understanding of AI techniques and their practical implementation. The program emphasizes data-driven approaches, helping students develop expertise in extracting valuable insights from vast amounts of data and utilizing them to foster innovation and make informed decisions.

Upon completion of the program, graduates will possess the skills and knowledge necessary to excel in diverse fields, including healthcare, finance, industry, and technology. They will be equipped to develop intelligent systems, design pioneering AI algorithms, and contribute to the advancement of AI research.

By fostering a culture of innovation and expanding the frontiers of AI technology, graduates of the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence program at Midocean University will stand out as highly sought-after candidates by both private and public sector organizations aiming to harness the power of AI for transformative growth and strategic decision-making.

The student is required to enroll in two training courses during the first and second semesters to develop his or her skills and enhance expertise in artificial intelligence. These courses are essential in helping students acquire the technical and practical skills required to successfully complete their graduation project. Moreover, they are among the primary academic objectives that the university seeks to achieve to ensure its graduates’ excellence and readiness for the job market.

To obtain the Master of Science in Artificial Intelligence, students must:

1. Successfully complete a minimum of 36 credit hours and pass the required scientific seminars within the program.
2. Enroll in two training courses, one in the first semester and one in the second semester.

The program fees are $790 per trimester.


After completion of the program, the graduate becomes eligible to work in several jobs, including:

- Machine Learning Engineer
- Artificial Intelligence Engineer
Business Intelligence Developer-
- Research Scientist
- Data Scientist
- Robot Scientist

Courses are in English, with explanations provided in Arabic.

Remote (online)

Course CodeCourse NameCredit HoursPrerequisite
Term 1
AI511Foundations of Artificial Intelligence3
DS620Machine Learning3
DS710Deep Learning and Neural Networks3
AI800Research Methodology in Computer Science3
Term 2
AI612Computer Vision and Image Processing3DS710 - DS620
DS601 Data Mining3
AI615Natural language processing3AI511 - DS620
AI900Final Project (1)3AI800 - AI644
Term 3
AI644Reinforcement Learning3AI511
AI314Deep Generative Models3DS710 - AI612
AI616Human-Robot Interaction and Autonomous Systems3
AI901Final Project (2)3AI900
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