Master of Digital Law

The digital law field has become an increasingly important topic affecting many traditional disciplines. The gap between law and digital technologies brings interesting challenges to legal scholars and lawyers. This program involves different courses that include a wide range of topics related to digital law, which examine how the need for new technologies affects traditional legal disciplines: financial services, contract law, technology regulations, competition law, and media law. In this program, student students will explore the relationship between law and digital technologies, including online communications, privacy/data protection, intellectual property, cybercrime, AI, online media, fintech, and e-business. The main aim of this program is to enable students to obtain in-depth knowledge and skills in essential areas of digital law and improve their analytical and problem-solving skills.

Master Digital Law aims to equip students with the critical understanding necessary for applying new digital legal concepts and practicing law disciplines in the highly sophisticated and dynamic environment of current reality.

At the end of this program, students will:
Get a full knowledge of the digital age, the impact of new digital technologies on law, and the importance of compliance with digital law.
Be able to review and analyze real cases of digital transactions and identify and investigate violations of these laws.
Analyze and evaluate alternative forms of rule and regulations to traditional law following ideals of fairness and justice.
Evaluate digital legal arguments relating to the field of digital law.

Program axes are delivered through remotely panel discussions and taped lectures.

To obtain the Master's Degree in Digital Law, the student must complete a minimum of 36 credit hours and successfully complete the required scientific courses of the study plan.

The program fees are $1200 per trimester.

After completion of the program, the graduate becomes eligible to work in several jobs, including:

- Legal Operations Manager
- Legal Officer in E-Learning
- Law firm technology consultant
- Legal Software Developer
- Company Advisor

The program is presented entirely in Arabic.

Remote (online)

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
Term 1
LAW601Foundations of Digital Law 3
LAW612Principles of Legal Study 3
LAW614English for Legal Study 3
Term 2
LAW621Privacy and Data Protection Law3
LAW626Regulation of Artificial Intelligence 3
LAW623Business Law 3
LAW625Digital Government3
Term 3
LAW631FinTech Law and Regulation 3
LAW634Digital Media Law 3
LAW637Digital Proof 3
LAW636Intellectual Property3
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