Master of Financial Technology

The Master of Financial Technology focuses on developing FinTech services. The program emphasizes the systematic understanding of new digital business models in financial services, how innovation through technology is changing business practices, quantitative finance skills, and the application of emerging technologies to financial services.

  • Implement financial technologies using advanced algorithms and data structures together with a clear understanding of hardware architectures.
  • Use data, statistical and quantitative analysis, and exploratory and predictive models to inform financial decision-making.
  • Conceptualize, design, and implement websites and their backends for creating FinTech applications.
  • Design, implement, and test artificial intelligence (AI) systems, including chatbots, biometrics, object recognition, and prediction systems.

The concepts of the following courses will be delivered using a combination of online lectures, discussions, and dialogue around cases. A case is a comprehensive exposition of real managerial cases describing a set of problems and requiring a plan of action. The case method provides a pragmatic framework for the learning process. Its success depends heavily on student preparation and active interaction in class discussions.

The main material and reference for each course will be the suggested textbooks and related materials. Lecture notes and slides are additional resources that are prepared by the professor.

To obtain a Master’s degree in Financial Technology (FinTech), the student must complete a minimum of 30 credit hours and successfully complete the required scientific courses of the study plan.

The program fees are $790 per trimester.

After completion of the program, the graduate becomes eligible to work in several jobs, including:

- Data Specialist
- Quantitative Analyst
- Application Developer
- Machine Learning Engineer/Analyst
- Blockchain Developer

Courses are in English, with explanations provided in Arabic.

Remote (online)

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
Term 1
FNT611Foundations of FinTech3
FNT613Business Analysis3
FNT615Finance Concepts3
Term 2
FNT622Database Design3
FNT625Cybersecurity Concepts3
FNT626Artificial Intelligence for FinTech3
FNT628Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies3
Term 3
FNT631Data Analytics3
FNT633Machine Learning in Finance3
MGM510Risk Management3
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