News and Events

Risk Management in construction projects

Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium  was held on 25/4/2022, under the title of Risk Management in construction projects Interlocutor: Malden Vukomanovic.

Ethical Hacker

Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium  was held on 16/4/2022, under the title of Ethical Hacker Interlocutor: Dr. Kamal Alyan.

An invitation to attend the graduation projects discussion

Everyone’s Smart University- College of Administration An invitation to attend the graduation projects discussion. The event will be held to discuss the top eight graduation projects for the Master of Project Management program—spring term, 2021–2022. The projects were chosen by

The most important threats of cybersecurity in 2021

Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium  was held on 9/4/2022, under the title of The most important threats of cybersecurity in 2021 Interlocutor: Dr. Mouhamed Ahmed Sa’d.

Modern trends of the supply chain syatems and logestic services

Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium  was held on 9/4/2022, under the title of Modern trends of the supply chain syatems and logestic services Interlocutor: Mr. Nasmy Al-Harby, student in Risk

An introduction about the digital transformation

Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium  was held on 28/3/2022, under the title of An introduction about the digital transformation Interlocutor: Dr. Hamden Abdullah Bisharh.

Various experience in the private sector companys

Within the activities of the Student Activity Unit in Everyone’s Smart University, an interactive symposium  was held on 27/3/2022, under the title of Various experience in the private sector companys (Bank Operations-Project Mangement- Comprehensive Quality Management) Interlocutor: Dr. Zyad Feda.

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