Master of Human Resource Management

The Master of Human Resource Management program at Midocean University is designed to prepare students to advance their careers in human resources. The program emphasizes the strategic and evolving role that human resources play in the performance of organizations. It aims to provide students with the necessary knowledge and skills to be influential HR leaders. Students will explore the main topics important to Human Resources, including global management, diversity and inclusion, moral leadership, talent management, employee relations, and organizational culture.

  • Design effective HR strategies that strengthen organizations.
  • Interpret HR policies, procedures, essential documentation, and considerations to manage HR risks and achieve organizational objectives.
  • Create plans to recruit, train, retain, and motivate a diverse workforce.
  • Use HR research methodology and data collection needed for strategic decision-making.
  • Incorporate ethical principles into all aspects of human resource management.
  • Develop HR leadership skills emphasizing personal strengths while addressing HR relationships and organization development.
  • Assess organizational factors to ensure HR alignment with the vision and mission of the organization.

Incorporate diversity and inclusion concepts into all aspects of HR management.

The concepts of the following courses will be delivered using a combination of online lectures, discussions, and dialogue around cases. Each course's main material and reference will be the suggested textbooks and related materials. Live discussions and slides are additional resources that are prepared by the professor.

To obtain a Master’s degree in Human Resource Management, the student must complete a minimum of 31 credit hours and successfully complete the required scientific courses of the study plan.

The program fees are $790 per trimester.

After completion of the program, the graduate becomes eligible to work in several jobs, including:

- Human Resource Manager
- Training and Development manager
- Personnel Manager
- Human Resources Analyst

Courses are in English, with explanations provided in Arabic.

Remote (online)

Course CodeCourse TitleCredit Hours
Term 1
HRM611Human Resource Management3
MGM603Managing People and Organizations3
PMG671Leadership and Organizational Behavior3
Term 2
HRM621Human Resource Learning & Development3
HRM623Human Resources Analytics3
HRM624Employment Relations3
MGM506International Business Management3
Term 3
HRM631Human Resource Strategies3
PMG506Advanced Project Management4
MGM510Risk Management3